Try a unified search with unlimited screening criteria, using MatchMiner fine-grained filters and red flag detection capabilities.
Try a unified search with unlimited screening criteria, using MatchMiner fine-grained filters and red flag detection capabilities.
MatchMiner is a right tool for companies that сan't use existing database for sourcing tech candidates and whose ATS lacks simple and efficient methods for data sourcing.
See top-matched resumes in seconds, just define the mandatory and optional skills you are looking for, and let MatchMiner dig up an absolute gem of a candidate for you.
Apply an unlimited number of criteria to find the best candidate, even if one of the criteria is a requirement that the candidate has read “Moby Dick”.
See the most recent data about the selected candidate’s job history, including extended profile enrichment, employment gaps and fraud detection.
Join the growing list of companies that are successfully hiring tech talent with Employa!
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Find best-matched tech talent in a few clicks and let AI do the dull part of the recruitment.
Get vetted tech talent 2.5x cheaper with AI-driven tech recruitment agency.
Fill your pipeline for tech positions with fast and cost-effective candidate attraction tool.